Thursday, October 23, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance Canada: Top 16 Results

Before we start, can anybody help with this comment: "Hi there - I am looking for video of the Nico and Aarrasay performance using Marc Broussard's song "Let Me Leave". I am in the U.S. and so can't see the show here, but I work with Marc and would love to share a video of the performance with his fans. It sounds like it was AMAZING! If you know where I can find the video online, please let me know. Thanks so much!" If you can help email VPTV at and we'll hook you up. Thanks.

We open with the final 16 doing a Viennese waltz. All are dressed in black and white. A large picture frame stands center stage. The dancers waltz around and through it. The tradition of women in appropriate dress and men in odds and ends continues. One of the guys has a skull and cross bones on his tattered T, another is in a clownish tux outfit. And Francis shows his manly chest. Maybe it’s a medical condition. If this show isn’t nominated for worst wardrobe that creaking sound you hear will be Edith Head spinning on hers, down in the cold, cold ground.

The safe five are:

Jesse and Caroline: a bit of a surprise. Jesse is trying hard, but is clearly out of his depth in this competition. He can pop and lock and break and spin with the best of them, but his inexperience in other dance styles gets more obvious every painfull week. Caroline, on the other hand, gets hotter. She saved your ass this week, Jesse.

Danny and Allie: The cute couple. Skilled, non-threatening, G- rated. I want to see what these two can do with a newer style, like we saw with Myles and Lara last night.

Speaking of whom: Lara and Myles killed it with his abs (the guy has an eight pack), her flips and their krump. Myles is a b-boy like Jesse, but his feel for dancing with a partner is so natural. One of the top three couples. Leaders in the feel good category.

Lisa and Vincent: I thought these two had no equal, but this week I have to admit that…

Arrasay and Nico are challenging Lisa and Vincent for front runner status.

That leaves Izaak and Kaitlyn, Joey and Tamina, and Natalli and Francis in the bottom three. Nat and Francis are the yin surprise to the yang surprise of Jesse and Caroline being safe. Personally, I voted for Lisa and Vincent, but I may have to throw these guys a vote next week. No way should these two be in the bottom three. They are as seamless as a couple can be every time they perform. He has the strength and training she needs, she has the heat and passion that he needs. They may not be the caliber of my top 3 but they are a strong #4.

So in my mind, it comes down to Izaak and Kaitlyn or Joey and Tamina. Based on last night’s performances I’d have to say Tamina as the female and it doesn't matter for the guys as long as it's not Francis.

Not that Tamina didn’t crush Luther Brown’s hip-hop routine; in fact, she should go because she crushed the hip-hop so hard. It demonstrated how average she is doing anything else. She is the best female hip hop dancer in the competition –the best in the country, for all I know. But she has clearly focused on the one genre to the detriment of her versatility. She was so good it put a big spotlight on how average she is when she isn’t dancing her strength.

As for the guys – it’s a toss up. Izaak and Joey are two of a kind. Great soloists, lousy partners. That said, they are at a disadvantage. Both are gay. If Canada primetime was ready for two men as dancing partners, maybe they could tap into the connectivity that sexual attraction is all about. But they have to dance with female partners and simply can’t generate the sexual heat the judges are clearly looking for.

The judges return with their decision. Tamina and partner Joey are out.

This is not going to get any easier.

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